Unit 4 - Composite Figures
You can find the area of some shapes simply by using a formula. But what about shapes for which formulas won't work? Can you break them up into shapes that have formulas? Yes, you can. Students will practise on a number of unusual shapes and then apply their learning on some class assignments.
Unit 3 - Collect, Organize, and Display Data
Students studied and practised with different forms of graphs. We talked about bias. The students then had to create their own survey question, collect data, display it in the form of tables, bar graph, and circle graph, then analyze their own results.
Unit 2 - Patterning and Integers
Students learn to recognize and describe number patterns in the beginning steps of algebra. Then we learn what an integer is and how to add and subtract them. Ask your son/daughter about the "mood meter" method.
Math Begins
We have begun our first grade 7 math unit. We are working with a resource called "TIPS4RM". It is a math resource which uses the 3-part lesson model with lots of group work mixed with independent efforts. There will not always be assigned math homework. Instead, students and parents should figure out which areas of math need work and focus on improving those areas. For example, if a student is weak at multiplication, s/he should spend time practicing. Have parents make up questions, get a book of worksheets at Zellers or WalMart, go online and look for math websites, have older siblings coach you, sign out a math text from Ms. Walker.
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