Pure Substances And Mixtures
Our first science unit explores different substances and students decide if they are pure substances or mixtures.  They learn about the all-important "Particle Theory".  This is the big idea of the unit.  All matter is made of particles.  How do they behave?  Understanding the Particle Theory helps us understand all sorts of things in science.  At the end of the unit, students will be challenged to filter a sample of water containing dirt, sand, food colouring, etc.

Welcome to Science, 2012
Welcome to Intermediate Science.  We begin with a look at what you will need, what is expected of you, what you will study, and how you will be evaluated.  Then we will discuss some science vocabulary and equipment.  You will be expected to use this vocabulary and the proper names of equipment this year.

Pop Can Insulators, 2011
Grade 7 students designed and constructed pop can insulators to demonstrate their learning of our science unit entitled "HEAT".

This one will keep your pop or your wizard juice cold.  Harry Potter would be proud to carry this pop can insulator in his school lunch pail.

Enjoy a cold pop while you watch the latest NHL game.  This student is a big Canucks fan.

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